Foxy Fund Run Class Competition Final Update

We had a phenomenal Foxy Fund Run on Wednesday; thanks to everyone who came out!

We have just a few hours of fundraising left. While we have crushed our goal of $20,000, Mr. Awano had agreed to get pied in the face on the morning announcements if we set an all-time fundraising record of $30,000. We are less than $1,000 away with less than 16 hours left.

Class Competition Rules

As a reminder, we are facilitating a Class vs. Class fundraising competition for each grade this year. The winning class in each grade will earn an extra PE session during a future week of school.

To determine the winning class, we are averaging the total funds raised by each class with the class’s number of enrolled students to get an Average per Student donation. This allows us to compare classes of different sizes more fairly.

Class Competition Current Standings

As of 7:50 am today (10-13-23), the classes from each grade with the highest Average per Student donation are:

  • Kindergarten– Williams with $72.36 per student
  • 1st Grade– Kregel with $86.75 per student
  • 2nd Grade– Sample with $86.75 per student
  • 3rd Grade– Homsher with $56.32 per student
  • 4th Grade– Maloy with $87.88 per student
  • 5th Grade– Abbott with $50.21 per student

Congratulations to the above classes; thank you for your hard work and generosity!

Again, these are the current standings (not final), and there are a few more hours of fundraising time. There is still a chance for other classes to take the lead, so don’t give up if your class isn’t in the lead today. To see the current numbers for each class, check out the spreadsheet linked below. Use the tabs at the bottom of the sheet to find the grade-level results.

Foxy Fund Run Class Competition Spreadsheet

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