Let’s Make Our Yearbook Shine: We Need Your Photos!

As we compile memories for our annual yearbook, we’re extending a special invitation to all parents: help us capture the magic of this school year by submitting your photos.

From field trips to science projects and spirit days to quiet moments of learning, every photo tells a part of our school’s story. If you’ve snapped pictures at any school events this year, we’d love to see them.

Please email your best shots to rfeyearbook@gmail.com by March 20th for a chance to be featured in the yearbook. Remember, the moments you’ve captured are the ones we want to remember.

A quick reminder: photos posted on social media won’t automatically find their way into the yearbook. We rely on your direct submissions to ensure no memorable moment is missed.

Let’s come together to make a yearbook that’s as vibrant and dynamic as our students. We can’t wait to see your photos!

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