Join us for the first PTA meeting of the year!
You’ll learn how to make a positive impact on your child’s learning experience and get a preview of the year ahead.
Additionally, directly after this meeting, there are special training sessions that are required for anyone who wants to be a Room Parent or Volunteer.
Tonight’s Agenda
Call to Order
President Sherri Smith called the meeting to order at 6:33pm.
Roll Call and Quorum
With about 48, the quorum was met.
Presentation of the Objectives of the PTA
Desiree Werner, Recording Secretary
Administrative Dialogue
Principal – Parfait Awono
- It has been a smooth start to the school year. Everyone is very excited to be back in school.
- The Lost and Found is filling up already. Please write your child’s name in their clothing items with a permanent marker to avoid lost items.
- RFE encourages communication between home and school. Please contact the teacher first with questions or concerns, and then reach out to administration after if concern persists.
- The Friday Message is now located on the school website.
PACE Liaison – Ally Queale
- The job of the PACE liaison is to foster parent and community engagement.
- Ms. Queale will be running the social media accounts and encouraging communication between parents, the school, and the community.
- RFE will continue to encourage cultural arts, possibly partnering with art classes this school year.
- Family Game Night was a hit last year and will occur again this year.
Officers Report
President – Sherri Smith
- This is an election year. Some board members and committee chairs are leaving the school, so we are especially in need of volunteers to fill those positions. All positions will be open for election. Please email the PTA if you are interested and would possibly like to shadow a current board member or committee chair this year.
- The 2024-2025 budget was brought to a vote by President Sherri Smith. Jen B. seconded the vote.
1st and 2nd Vice President – Kristen Ferg and Jen Connolly
Foxy FUNd Run
- The event will take place on October 23rd.
- Our goal this year is to raise $24,000.
- Papers will be coming home soon with more information. Donations can be made online or with cash. We are looking for family and business donations.
- The prizes for raising funds this year are:
- $25 – Yo-yo
- $50 – RFE T-shirt
- $75 – Stuffed Fox
- $100 – Hat
- $250 – Soft Cover Yearbook
- There will be a class competition again this year and the winner of each grade will receive an extra PE class.
Treasurer Report – Erinn Harris
The Treasurer’s audit is here and available for review.
Secretary – Desiree Werner
Presented meeting minutes from 5/15/24- approved.
Committee Reports
Corresponding Secretary – Mike Burke
PTA website is available at rfepta.com. It houses all the needed information for this school year, including upcoming events and the Staff Favorite Things list. It is possible to subscribe to live updates on the website and to easily sync PTA events to a Google calendar or iCalendar.
Family Events Chair – Erin Sayre
- The Fall Fest and Winter Dance have a co-chair this year, but we are still looking for a co-chair for the Spring Carnival.
- Fall Fest is planned for Friday, September 27th. This event is free to attend. The Events Committee is looking for volunteers to help during the event. Middle and high school students can volunteer to earn service hours.
School Supply Kits – Charlamaine Parkinson
70 supply kits were sold for a total of $739.45.
Yearbook – Jen Connolly
- Please visit the yearbook link on the PTA website for yearbook information. The yearbook is run by the PTA, not the school, so pictures mostly come from PTA events and parent submissions. Please email rfeyearbook@gmail.com to submit photos. The Yearbook committee cannot pull pictures from Facebook, so please use the email address to submit pictures.
- The yearbook is sent to the printer in April.
- You will get reminders from Lifetouch when it is time to order.
Book Fair – Susan Kaiser
The Book Fair will take place from November 18-22. Students will shop during media classes. Volunteers will be needed. More information is forthcoming.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:01pm.
Notes from the Evening/Upcoming Events:
- 9/27 – Fall Fest
- 10/23 – Foxy FUNd Run
- 10/27 – Trunk or Treat
- 11/18-11/22 – Book Fair
- Next Meeting: 11/20 at 7:00pm
Meeting Minutes
Minutes from this meeting and all meetings since the start of the 2022–2023 school year can be found in this Google Drive folder.